
Famly Sessions 2020 Vol 3 - Reopening and Business Sustainability - A free digital conference

April 29, 2021

On 1st June, many early years providers in England will be reopening their doors for all families.

Having covered the practicalities, pedagogical concerns, and staffing headaches in previous sessions, we wanted to dedicate some time to a key aspect of early years that matters now more than ever right now - business sustainability.

The session will take place this Friday 29th May, and we've assembled three brilliant guests to offer their unique perspectives on balancing the books, remaining sustainable with limited occupancy, managing funding, working with parents, and how to welcome new families to your setting. They are:

- Neil Leitch, CEO, Early Years Alliance

- Ruth Pimentel, CEO, Kindred Nurseries

- Gary Langan, Owner, Silven Business Consultancy.

Last time, we were joined by more than 4,000 of you, live and on-demand. Don't miss out on this chance to come together as a community and have your questions answered by the experts.

Sign up for our next webinar where we reflect on reopening by clicking here. ______________________________________________________

This webinar is brought to you by Famly, we make software to help early years settings streamline their processes to improve parent communication and enable more time spent with the children. To learn more about what we do, click here.  


With thanks to Early Years Alliance, Kindred Nurseries, Silven Business Consultancy, Early Years TV, Ceeda, and Nursery World.